Category: blog

.NET Steps- File upload

I know that you have uploaded a file once or twice in your life. But did you get it right? I know I messed up a couple of times. I mean, there was always a question in my head: how do you test if file is a virus? And the little devil on my shoulder […]

.NET Steps – REST API Versioning

Did you ever find yourself in a situation where you need to fetch something from external API but the response that you are getting is not the response that is written in the notepad – oh, I mean “the docs”? If you did, I know that the next thing crossed your mind was: those fucking morons.

.NET Shorts – Use HttpContextAccessor

Sometimes, you have to get some data from headers/tokens. Sometimes, you have to do it in your application layer. And things can get wierd. You could potentally extract it at controller level and send it as parameter. But that’s just ugly. Luckly, now you have IHttpContextAccessor that makes things easy for you, I, on the other hand, am entirely different story.