I know, it’s been a while…
Like any responsible adult, I would like to think that I was too busy to invest more time on this blog but that certainly wasn’t the case. After a “couple” of finished Netflix shows, I was at the crossroads. You know, Emily in Paris is airing next Wednesday which leaves me with nothing to do.
Did you see what I did there? If you didn’t, I think we should stop seeing each other. If you still don’t know what I’m talking about, please stop pretending to be a responsible adult and go watch Wednesday. It’s just one fucked up sleeping schedule away.
PS. Am I the only one who has trouble spelling wednesday? Is D slient?
Anyway, where was I? Ah yes, the crossroads.
Like every responsible adult, I opened Youtube. Thanks to the Youtube algorithm gods, a new video (from one of my favorite youtube channels – Fireship) poped up. It talks about something called SvelteKit. Since I was thinking about trying Svelte anyway, this seemed like a great opportunity to do so. Everything that was mentioned there was a bit too familiar: file-base-router, layout.svelte, page.svelte, form actions, load function. This all feels like Razor Pages I though. So next thing I did was go to Microsoft documentation to see if I’m right or am I just getting old. Turns out that it is similar to Razor Pages so I guess that I’m not getting old.
Now that we’ve discovered the “Fountain of Youth” we can continue.
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away
When everything used jQuery and types weren’t a thing
Soooo cringe…
Anyway, that similarity got me thinking.
When I started building web applications there was this new “buzzword” (before “buzzword” was actually a thing) – called SPA – “the new kid on the block”. Everyone wanted to have a SPA because it was “blazingly” fast.
Now, I feel like tables have turned. With the rise of frameworks like: next.js, nuxt.js, sveltekit I feel like SSR is “the new kid on the block”? Now, everyone wants to have SSR application because it is “blazingly” fast.
Anyway, try svelte – I like it.
To sum things up:
- Emily in Paris airs on wednesday